Attendance Policy
Attendance Policy:  No one who is not duly registered is admitted to class. Undergraduate norms: Attendance at classes is mandatory. If a student misses a class, he/she must see the instructor prior to the next class. If unexcused absences are excessive in the judgment of the instructor, the instructor may direct the student to discontinue the course. A failing grade and loss of credit will result. Should a seminarian miss a number of classes, this will be brought up in discussion regarding the student’s personality and maturity. The student will also bear the academic loss involved. 
Graduate norm: Class attendance is regulated by the course syllabus. In the case of a foreseen absence, each student is required to inform the professor at least 24 hours in advance. This will allow the professor to attempt to notify other students 20 hours in advance of a cancellation of the class should there be a number of such absences on a given occasion. 
Enrollment in graduate courses is limited to students with a bachelor’s degree. SHMS may allow, at the discretion of the dean of studies, a student who does not possess a bachelor’s degree to take a graduate level course. The number of such students in any class or course is limited to ten percent or fewer of the course’s enrollment.
See:  Academic Catalog, page 70
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