Lay Ministry Formation at Sacred Heart

Many formation opportunities are offered at Sacred Heart, for both undergraduates and graduates. Call Mrs. Natalia Gambin at 313-883-8541 for information regarding registration for these formation sessions.

Undergraduate Formation (select degree programs)

Each year the Institute for Lay Ministry (ILM) sponsors undergraduate student formation days on the following three topics:

Discernment (October)

Theological Reflection (January)

Spiritual Direction (March)

These practices nurture growth and integration of the human, intellectual, spiritual, and pastoral dimensions of the student’s life. Students learn how to understand and interpret the intersection—and frequent tension—between individual experience, Catholic Tradition and human culture.

Participation in all three sessions is required for students in the following programs by the time of graduation:

• Basic Diploma in Catholic Theology

• Basic Diploma in Music Ministry

• Associate of Arts in Ministry

• Bachelor of Arts-Pastoral Theology

The sessions, however, are open to all students.

Call Mrs. Natalia Gambin at 313-883-8541 for information regarding registration for these formation sessions.

Graduate Formation (M.A.P.S. Program)

The Master of Arts in Pastoral Studies degree program is centered on the four dimensions of formation for lay ecclesial ministers, as outlined by the U.S. Catholic Bishops in Co-Workers in the Vineyard of the Lord: human, intellectual, spiritual, and pastoral formation. M.A.P.S. includes more than acquiring new knowledge. Formation classes, spiritual direction, and other formation opportunities in the M.A.P.S. program serve to form students in all four areas and thereby help prepare them for lay ecclesial ministry.

Formation Classes

The backbone of MAPS. formation is found in one two-credit formation classes taken during the first two years of the program: IS 883 MAPS Formation. Students learn how to integrate the human, intellectual, spiritual, and pastoral dimensions of formation by developing skills in theological reflection, lectio divina and self-knowledge. The instructor of this class serves as a mentor.

Spiritual Direction

M.A.P.S. students meet regularly for spiritual direction with a director approved by the Institute for Lay Ministry (ILM). The ILM maintains a list of trained spiritual directors available upon request.

Annual Formation Interview with the Dean of the Institute for Lay Ministry

Each academic year M.A.P.S. students have the opportunity to meet individually with the Dean of the ILM to discuss the student’s progress in human, intellectual, spiritual and pastoral formation and to set ongoing formation goals.

Annual Day of Reflection

The ILM offers a yearly Day of Reflection for M.A.P.S. students and alumni. Current M.A.P.S. students attend at least one M.A.P.S. Day of Reflection during their tenure in the M.A.P.S. program but are encouraged to attend the Day of Reflection every year as well as formation days provided for undergraduate students as well.

M.A.P.S. students are also regularly invited through the ILM office to a variety of other events and opportunities to grow and become better equipped for lay ecclesial ministry in the Church.

Call Mrs. Natalia Gambin at 313-883-8541 to schedule your annual formation interview or for more information about M.A.P.S. program formation.

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