Master of Arts in Pastoral Studies (MAPS)


The Master of Arts in Pastoral Studies is a graduate degree preparing students for ministry and pastoral leadership.


For admissions process and requirements, please refer to the admissions section of this page.


  1. Intellectual Goal: To understand and communicate the Catholic faith grounded in Scripture and Tradition, in the context of the contemporary world.

    • Learning Outcome: To demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge of Catholic theology grounded in Scripture and Tradition.

    • Learning Outcome: To demonstrate an ability to communicate accurately and persuasively the Catholic faith, both orally and in writing, grounded in Scripture and Tradition.

  2. Human Goal: To commit to life-long integration of the intellectual, spiritual and psychological dimensions of one’s ministerial identity.

    • Student Learning Outcome: To demonstrate personal accountability and professional conduct as a lay ecclesial minister.

    • Student Learning Outcome: To demonstrate a commitment to continue one’s theological and pastoral education.

  3. Spiritual Goal: To discern, adopt and practice a Christian spirituality appropriate to lay ecclesial ministry.

    • Learning Outcome: To demonstrate a commitment to personal prayer and the liturgical and sacramental life of the Church.

    • Learning Outcome: To demonstrate an ability to reflect on human experience within the context of faith.

  4. Pastoral Goal: To acquire the pastoral skills of leadership, collaboration, and cultural sensitivity.

• Learning Outcome: To demonstrate an ability to meet pastoral needs in various cultural contexts.

• Learning Outcome: To demonstrate an ability to collaborate with others and to call forth the gifts of others for the sake of the pastoral setting.

Course of Study (48 credit hours total)

Theological Core (26 credit hours)

ST 500Theological Methodology*2 cr
SS 521Method and Penateuch3 cr
SS 525Synoptics3 cr
SS 625Pauline Literature3 cr
ST 5351Human Person and Grace2 cr
ST 6351Nature and Mission of the Church2 cr
ST 650Trinitarian and Christological Foundations of the Christian Faith3 cr
MT 675Foundations of the Christian Moral Life3 cr
LS 575The Sacramental Life of the Church2 cr
SP 735History of Christian Spirituality3 cr

*ST 500 must be taken in conjunction with IS 505 Theological Research and Writing, 1 cr.

Pastoral Ministry Core: (9 credit hours)

ST 501Theology of Mission and Ministry2 cr
SP 690Human and Spiritual Adult Development2 cr
EV 680Pastoral Care Across Cultures2 cr
NE 865Theology of the New Evangelization3 cr

Electives (9 credit hours)

Chosen by the student in consultation with the student’s Academic advisor. Students may select any eligible elective course or may choose to concentrate electives in a particular pastoral area, such as spirituality or new evangelization. Students are strongly encouraged to select practice-oriented electives that cultivate pastoral ministry knowledge, attitudes, and skills.

Integrating Studies (4 credit hours):

IS 883MAPS Formation2 cr
IS 891MAPS Supervised Ministry**2 cr†
IS 8921 MAPS Integrating Project: Research & Design** 1 cr
IS 8922MAPS Integrating Project: Implementation, Assessment, Writing and Presentation**1 cr‡

Students in diaconal formation should refer to the “Permanent Diaconate Academic Programs” section of the Academic Catalog.

*All formation courses are to be taken in the student’s first two years of the MAPS program,beginning in the first fall term of the student’s studies and for four consecutive fall and winter terms.

**To be taken in the student’s final year of the MAPS program

†IS 8911 Continuing MAPS Supervised Ministry (1 credit) is provided for the student who does not complete his/her supervised ministry during the semester for which he/she registered for IS 891. The student must register for IS 8911 each semester beyond the initial semester that is necessary for the student to com- plete the supervised ministry. These accumulated credits do not count toward a degree nor are they figured into the student’s GPA. Students are encouraged to maintain frequent contact with the dean of the Institute for Ministry throughout their supervised ministry experience.

‡IS 8923 Continuing MAPS Integrating Project (1 credit) is provided for the student who does not com- plete his/her integrating project during the semester for which he/she registered for IS 8922. The student must register for IS 8923 each semester beyond the initial semester that is necessary for the student to com- plete the integrating project. These accumulated credits do not count toward a degree nor are they figured into the student’s GPA. Students are encouraged to maintain frequent contact with their Integrating Project supervisor until they complete their integrating project.


Spiritual Direction

All MAPS students are required to be in spiritual direction with an approved director.

Annual Interview with the Dean of the Institute for Ministry

Each academic year MAPS students are required to meet individually with the dean of the Institute for Lay Ministry (ILM) to discuss the student's progress in human, intellectual, spiritual, and pastoral formation and to set ongoing formation goals.

Day of Reflection

MAPS students are required to attend at least one MAPS Day of Reflection sponsored by the ILM during their matriculation in the MAPS program.

Program Requirements

  1. A minimum of 48 credit hours must be earned through completion of the course of study.

  2. A maximum of 16 hours may be applied to the degree from other institutions or from other credit earning options.

  3. A minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.5 is required.

  4. This program must be completed in six years after matriculation. Under extenuating circumstances, a student may request an extension in writing to the dean of studies.

  5. Students must complete a one credit course in graduate theological research, IS 505 Theological Research and Writing. This course must be done in conjunction with ST 500 Theological Methodology, and should be done within the student’s first year of study. The course is graded pass/fail; credits earned do not count toward the 48 credits required in total for the degree.

  6. Students must participate in an assessment of the academic program, including completion of a Graduating Student Questionnaire during their final year of study.

See a complete list of our Graduate Course Descriptions.

See our Academic Catalogs for this and past academic years.

See the MAPS Supervised Ministry packet and Student Timeline.

See the MAPS Integrating Project packet and Student Timeline.


Admissions information for this program can be found on the Graduate Admissions page.

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