Gotia Dr Oana
Associate Professor of Moral Theology
Dr. Oana Gotia
Ext 266
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O. GOTIA, "L'amore e il suo fascino. Bellezza e castità nella prospettiva di San Tommaso d’Aquino" (Italian) Cantagalli, Siena 2011 (Eng. "Love and its fascination. Beauty and chastity in the perspective of Saint Thomas Aquinas" 2011)


Books Co-Edited

S. GRYGIEL - O. GOȚIA (ed.), “È necessario ricordare…”. 100 Anni dalla nascita di Giovanni Paolo II (” It is necessary to remember”. 100 years from the birth of John Paul II, 2021), (Italian) Cantagalli, Siena 2021

J. J. PÉREZ-SOBA - O. M. GOȚIA (ed.), "Azione umana e salvezza divina. La dinamica operativa della grazia come superamento del neo-pelagianesimo" ("Human action and divine salvation. The operational dynamics in overcoming Neo-Pelagianism") (Italian), Proceedings of the XIX Colloquium in Moral Theology of Nov. 2019, at the JPII Institute in Rome, Cantagalli, Siena 2021.

P. MAZURKIEWICZ, "L’identità dell’Europa nel contesto di Migrazione"("The identity of Europe in the context of migration") (Italian), S. GRYGIEL - O. GOȚIA (ed.), Cantagalli, Siena 2021 (about to be published).

J. J. PÉREZ-SOBA - O. GOȚIA (ed.), "Il cammino della vita: l'educazione, una sfida per la morale" ("The path of life: education, a challenge for moral theology"), (Italian) University Press, Città del Vaticano 2007.



“La belleza de la castidad según San Juan Pablo II” // “The beauty of chastity according to John Paul II” (Spanish), during the Congress “El testimonio de Karol Wojtyla”, (14 -15 December 2020), organized by Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera and Universidad Católica de Valencia, Valencia (Spain) (about to be published).

“Beauty and the meaning of shame in the Theology of the Body of St. John Paul II” (English), in M. POKRYWKA (ed.), Człowiek – rodzina – naród. Przesłanie św. Jana Pawła II (Book in Polish), Wydawnictwo KUL, Lublin 2021 ( about to be published).

“<Passive ab ipso Deo attractus…>. Chastity and the dynamizing receptivity of charity” (English), in JJ. PEREZ-SOBA- O. GOTIA (ed), Proceedigs of the XIX Moral Theology Colloquium "Human action and divine salvation. The operational dynamics in overcoming Neo-Pelagianism", Cantagalli, Siena 2021, pp259-280.

“The fascination of chastity” (English), in S. KAMPOSWSKI-JJ. PEREZ-SOBA (ed), "Festschrift in honour of Prof. Mons. Livio Melina", Cantagalli, Siena 2021 (about to be published).

“Au rythme de sa beauté” ( “In the rhythm of her beauty” )(French), in the Proceedings of the interdisciplinary Colloquium «Le temps de la femme», 18-20 June 2018 Toulouse, France, Institut Catholique de Toulouse (about to be published).

“Kerygma e didaché nel profilo di una morale cristiana” (“Kerygma and didaché in the perspective of a Christian morality”)(Italian), in J.J. PEREZ-SOBA – A. FRIGERIO (ed.), Proceedings of the Moral Theology Colloquium "Ricostruire il soggetto morale cristiano. Una sfida a 25 anni da Veritatis splendor," Studi sulla persona e la famiglia – Atti 49, Cantagalli, Siena 2019.

“Bellezza e sessualità” (“Beauty and sexuality”) (Italian) Article in the Dictionary "50 anniversario dell’Enciclica Humanae Vitae", Pontificio Istituto Giovanni Paolo II, Cantagalli, Siena 2019, 57-64.

“A Sua immagine e somiglianza” ( “In His image and likeness”) (Italian), in T. VERDON - G. POLENGHI (ed), "La corporeità nell’arte cristiana. Riflessioni tra passato e futuro", Proceedings of the Colloquium “Arte cristiana e Corporeità” organized by Opera del Duomo di Firenze and the Sacred Art School, Firenze (12 December 2016), Mandragora, Firenze 2018, pp.15-22.

“I beni relazionali della coppia” (“The relational goods of the couple”) (Italian), in P. DONATI- A. MALO - I. VIGORELLI (ed) "Ecologia integrale della relazione uomo-donna: la prospettiva relazionale", (Proceedings of the’Expert meeting of Nov. 2016 at the Pont. Univ. Santa Croce), ROR Studies Series, Collana Ricerche di Ontologia Relazionale, ESC 2018, pp. 299-313.

“Sessualità e amore” ( “Sexuality and love”) (Italian) in E. SGRECCIA- A. TARANTINO (ed), Enciclopedia di Bioetica e Scienza giuridica, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane E.S.I. SpA, Napoli 2016.

“Gradualità e conversione” ( “Graduality and conversion”)(Italian), in J.J. PEREZ-SOBA –J. DE LA TORRE (ed) "Il primato del Vangelo e luogo della morale: gerarchia e unità nella proposta cristiana" (Proceedings of the XV Colloquio in Moral Theology, 21-22 Nov. 2014, Roma), Cantagalli, Siena 2016, pp.209-226.

“L’educazione del cuore. Punti fondamentali di una educazione affettiva in chiave tomista” ( “The education of the heart. Fundamental points of an affective education in a Thomistic key")(Italian), in D. SACCOCCIONI –ASSOCIAZIONE CULTURALE SAN TOMMASO D’AQUINO (ed) " Educare alla realtà. Una proposta didattica di ispirazione tomista", Collana Studi e Strumenti SISRI, EDUSC, Roma 2015, pp.123-147.

“La théologie du corps : beauté de l’amour et pureté du cœur” (“The Theology of the Body : beauty of love and purity of heart ")(French), in Y. SEMEN (ed.), "Amour humain, amour divin, actualité de la théologie du corps", (Proceedings of the inaugural Colloquium of l'Institut de Théologie du Corps - 27-28 Nov. 2014, Lyon), Ed. Le Cerf, Paris 2015, pp. 73-86.

“Come proporre le principali questioni di etica in una società liquida?” (“How to present the main ethical questions in a liquid society?”) (Italian) in PONTIFICIUM CONSILIUM PRO LAICIS, "Dio affida l’essere umano alla donna. Mulieris Dignitatem 30", Libreria Editrice Vaticana, Città del Vaticano 2014, pp.161-169.

“Maturazione e fragilità del dono di sé nell’una caro” (“Maturity and fragility of the gift of self in the <una caro>”) (Italian), in J. GRANADOS (ed), ‘Una caro’: il linguaggio del corpo e l'unione coniugale, (Proceedings of the International Colloquium "Una caro: il linguaggio del corpo e l'unione coniugale" Roma, 20-21 settembre 2012), Cantagalli, Siena 2014, 135-149.

“L’amore e la sessualità: valore e significato” (”Love and sexuality: value and meaning”), (Italian), in E. SGRECCIA (ed), "Ripensare l’uomo oltre la modernità" (Proceedings of the colloquium organized by Cenacolo "Ut vitam habeant" and the Fondazione "Ut vitam habeant") Cantagalli, Siena 2013, pp.137-161 and republished in "Medicina e morale" 4 (2013) pp 685-704.

“Il dipinto dell’anima. Quale orizzonte per l’educazione alle virtù?” (“The painting of the soul. Which horizon for the education of virtues?”) (Italian), in Anthropotes 28/2 (2013) 361-378.

“Quando si salvano i desideri umani? Desiderio, affetto e ragione nella prospettiva di Alasdair MacIntyre” ( "When are human desires saved? Desire, affection and reason in the perspective of Alasdair MacIntyre") (Italian), in J.J. PEREZ-SOBA-P. GALUSZKA (ed), "Persona e natura nell'agire morale. Memoriale di Cracovia. Studi. Contributi", Proceedings of the XIII Colloquium of Moral Theology “Persona e natura nell'agire morale”, (Roma, 16-17 Nov. 2012), Cantagalli, Siena 2013, pp. 325-336.

“Educazione delle emozioni e sessualità in Martha Craven Nussbaum” (“Emotion Education and Sexuality in Martha Craven Nussbaum“) (Italian), in L. MELINA- J.J. PEREZ-SOBA (ed), "La soggettività morale del corpo (VS 48)", Cantagalli, Siena 2012, 245-260.

“La novità della castità coniugale: la contemplazione di Dio” ("The novelty of conjugal chastity: the contemplation of God")(Italian), in J.J. PEREZ-SOBA- E. STEFANYAN (ed) "L'azione, fonte di novità. Teoria dell'azione e compimento della persona: ermeneutiche a confronto", Cantagalli, Siena 2010, pp.277-284.

“Il nuovo orizzonte dell’amore” (“The new horizon of love”) (Italian), in J.J. PEREZ-SOBA & L. GRANADOS (ed), "Il logos dell’agape. Amore e ragione come principi dell'agire", Cantagalli, Siena 2008, pp.233-237.

co-authored with J. Perez-Soba, ”Note introduttive” (”Introductory notes”) (Italian) in J.J. PÉREZ-SOBA – O. GOTIA (a cura di) "Il cammino della vita: l'educazione, una sfida per la morale", Lateran University Press, Città del Vaticano 2007, pp.9-23.

”La luce del desiderio: riflessioni sul cammino del soggetto verso la castità coniugale” ("The light of desire: reflections on the subject's journey towards conjugal chastity") (Italian), in J.J. PÉREZ-SOBA – O. GOTIA (ed), "Il cammino della vita: l'educazione, una sfida per la morale", Lateran University Press, Città del Vaticano 2007, pp.301-309.


Online Articles

“La donna nell’insegnamento di Papa Giovanni XXIII e Papa Giovanni Paolo II” (“The woman in the teaching of Popes John XXIII and John Paul II”) (Italian) published on the 24 April 2014 on the website del Pontificio Consiglio per i Laici (sezione “Donna”); direct link: (last accessed 26.04.2014)



L. MELINA, "Per una cultura della famiglia" (co-translated into Romanian with D. Gotia), Galaxia Gutenberg, Tg. Lapus 2011.

J. NORIEGA, "Il destino dell’eros" (co-translated into Romanian with M. Gotia), Galaxia Gutenberg, Tg. Lapus 2011.

J. GRANADOS - C. ANDERSON, "Called to love", (co-translated into Romanian with M. Gotia), Galaxia Gutenberg, Tg. Lapus 2011.

J. NORIEGA, "Eros e Agape nella vita coniugale" (co-translated into Romanian with D. Gotia), Galaxia Gutenberg, Tg. Lapus 2011.


Speaking Engagements

“Uomo e donna li creò: il linguaggio del corpo, il linguaggio dell’amore” (”Man and Woman He created them: the language of the body, the language of love”) (Italian), for the International Online Conference to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the birth of Karol Wojtyla “Towards the Future with John Paul II" (15-17 January 2021, Kracow, Poland) organized by the Arch-Diocese of Krakow and by University of John Paul II of Krakow, Poland (

“La belleza de la castidad según San Juan Pablo II” ( “The beauty of chastity according to John Paul II”) (Spanish), for the Congress “El testimonio de Karol Wojtyla”, (14 -15 December 2020), organized by Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera and Universidad Católica de Valencia, Valencia (Spain).

“Conclusioni”( "Conclusive Remarks”) (Italian)- at the Formation day " “Pornografia: sfida pastorale alla luce dello sviluppo umano integrale” (17 maggio 2019, Rome); organized by Istituto Studi Superiori sulla Donna del Pontificio Ateneo Regina Apostolorum - Associazione Puri di Cuore; Patrocinato da: Pontificia Università Salesiana – Pontificio Istituto Teologico Giovanni Paolo II - Istituto Sacerdos del Pontificio Ateneo Regina Apostolorum – Centro Studi Family and Media, Rome 2019, Italy.

“Au rhythme de sa beauté”( “In the rhythm of her beauty”) (French) (19 June 2018, Toulouse), at the interdisciplinary Colloquium"Le temps de la femme" (18-20 June 2018), under the presidency of S.E. E. Gobillard and with the patraonage of Academie Catholique de France, at the Institut Catholique, Toulouse, France

“L’amore umano nel piano divino secondo la Teologia del corpo” (“Human love in the Divine Plan according to the Theology of the Body”) (Romanian), at the Symposium “The Humanae vitae Encyclical 50 years after its publication” (Romanian) organized by The Catholic Doctors' Association of Bucharest,, the Faculty of Roman-Catholic Theology of Bucharest, and the Association of the Romanian Greek-Catholics of Bucharest, 9 May 2018 in Bucharest, Romania.

“Costruire l’amore mano nella mano con Dio. Un approccio all’intimità di coppia con uno sguardo alla morale” (“Building love hand in hand with God. An approach to couple intimacy with a look at morality”) (Italian), 29 June 2017, Centro Nazareth, Rome, Italy, for the " Percorso di formazione per coppie di sposi e fidanzati “Anatomia dell’amore” (29 June-3 July 2017) organized by Movimento FAC Roma, Italy.

“La nouveauté du bien dans le Christ, dans la perspective de St. Thomas d’Aquin et de K. Wojtyla” ( "The novelty of the good in Christ, from the perspective of St. Thomas Aquinas and K. Wojtyla”, (French) at the Accademic symposium « Bien moral et amour, entre philosophie et théologie » (7 June 2017, Beyrouth), at the l’Institut de la Famille, Univ. de la Sagesse, Beyrouth (Lebanon).

“Éduquer le cœur” (“Educating the heart”) (French) (6 June 2017, Beyrouth), at the Institut de la Famille, Univ. de la Sagesse, Beyrouth (Liban), for the members of the " Diploma di pastorale famigliare" and for the family pastoral workers "Ascolto e accompagnamento familiare" from the Beyrouth diocese, Lebanon.

“Attrazione e Logos: l’incantesimo che non finisce. Per una semiologia della sessualità” ( “Attraction and Logos: the spell that doesn't end. For a Semiology of Sexuality"), (Italian) (Pavia, 27-28 May 2017), at the International TOB Colloquium “Tomba dell’anima o Tempio dello Spirito?” at the Almo Collegio Borromeo, Pavia, Italy

“Corpo, carne, persona” ( “Body. Flesh. Person”) (Italian) (12 December 2016), during the Study Day “Arte cristiana e Corporeità” organized by Opera del Duomo di Firenze and the Sacred Art School, Florence, Italy.

“I beni relazionali della coppia” (“The relational goods of the couple”) (Italian), 25 Nov. 2016, at the Expert meeting "Ecologia integrale della relazione uomo-donna: la prospettiva relazionale" at the Pontificia Univ. della Santa Croce, Rome, Italy.

“Qual è il progetto di Dio sull’amore umano?” (“What is God's plan for human love?") (Romanian) (11 June 2016), organized by the Association of the Romanian Greek-Catholics "I. Micu Klein”, Rome, Italy

“Introduction à la Théologie du corps de Jean Paul II ” (« Introduction to the Theology of the Body of John Paul II ») (French( (6 May 2016),for the« Les Ecoles de Charité et de Mission de la communauté de l’Emmanuel » group, (Auditorium, JPII Institute, Rome 2016).

“È possibile un amore grande oggi? ” (“Is a great human love possible today?”) (Italian) (15 April 2016), at the Associazione «Milano per Milano Giovanni Paolo II», Milano, Italy 2016.

“Come proporre le principali questioni di etica in una società liquida?” (“How to present the main ethical questions in a liquid society?”) (Italian) (16 April 2016), organized by Associazione “Orientamenti Familiari”, Milano, Italy.

“The Sacramental grace and its effect on the indissoluble bond of Marriage” (English) (27th of January 2016), John Paul II Institute (Indian session), at The XVII International Symposium The Permanency of Marriage & Family – Different Religious Perspectives, Changanacherry, Kerala, India.

“Introduction à la théologie du corps de Jean Paul II” (“Introduction to the Theology of the Body of John Paul II“) (French) (24 April 2015) organized in Rome by Ecoles de Charité et de Mission de la communauté de l’Emmanuel of France.

“Beauté et pureté du cœur” (“ Beauty and purity of heart“) (French) the inaugural Colloquium « Actualité de la théologie du corps » (27-28 Nov. 2014, Lyon), organized by Institut « Théologie du corps » di Lyon, France.

“Gradualità e conversione” (“Graduality and conversion”),(Italian) (Italian) during the XV Colloquium of Moral Theology (21-22 Nov. 2014, Roma) "Primato del Vangelo e luogo della morale: gerarchia e unità nella proposta cristiana", JPII Institute, Rome 2014.

“Quale morale oggi?” ( “Which morality today?”) (Italian) (10 April 2014, Roma), during the Cycle of conferences for Oratorio Secolare di San Filippo Neri, Rome, Italy.

“L’amore vero” (“True love”) (Italian) (3 March 2014, Cerignola), at the Seminar“Amore 2013”, organized by Movimento per la Vita (Cerignola) and by Associazione Scienza e Vita (Cerignola, Italy).

"The Resurrection of the Body and the Liberation of the Heart - Self-realization of Human Being in the Fullness" (English) (21 Oct., Daejeon- Korea) during the Symposium on Theology of the Body –the 1st International Academic Conference 2013, organized by the JPII Institute in Rome, Italy and the Daejeon Catholic University, Korea.

“Come proporre le principali questioni di etica in una società liquida?” (“How to present the main ethical questions in a liquid society?”) (Italian) (11 Oct. 2013, Rome), at the Colloquium "«Dio affida l’essere umano alla donna» (cf. MD, 30)", 10-12 Oct. 2013, Vatican.

“Amore e sessualità nell’insegnamento della Chiesa” ( “Love and sexualiy in the teaching of the Church”) (Italian), 29 May 2013, Rome, organized by the "Ut vitam habeant" Foundation, invited by Card. Elio Sgreccia.

“L’amore: che cosa è? Antropologia e teologia dell’amore e del matrimonio” ( “Love: what is it? Anthropology and Theology of love and marriage”) (Italian) (5 February 2013, Salerno) during the Course "Affettività, Amore e Sessualità" , organized by Arcidiocesi di Salerno-Campagna-Acerno, Ufficio Diocesano per la pastorale familiare, Servizio per la pastorale giovanile-universitaria-vocazionale, Salerno, Italy.

“Essere uomini e donne. Il significato della sessualità” (“Being men and women. The meaning of sexuality”) (Italian) (29 Janaury 2013, Salerno) during the Course " Affettività, Amore e Sessualità", organized by the Archdiocese of Salerno-Campagna-Acerno, Ufficio Diocesano per la pastorale familiare, Servizio per la pastorale giovanile-universitaria-vocazionale, Salerno, Italy.

“Identità della coppia: fondamenti antropologici” and “La coppia in un mondo che cambia – fenomenologia” ( “Identity in the couple: anthropological foundations” and “The couple in a world that is changing- phenomenology”) (Italian( (16 March 2013, Lecce) at the Formation course for Christian family pastoral workers organized by Federazione regionale dei consultori familiari CFC di Puglia, Lecce, Italy.

“Identità della coppia: fondamenti antropologici” e “La coppia in un mondo che cambia – fenomenologia” ( “Identity in the couple: anthropological foundations” and “The couple in a world that is changing- phenomenology”) (Italian) (17 March 2013, Trinitapoli), at the Formation course for Christian family pastoral workers organized by Federazione regionale dei consultori familiari CFC di Puglia, Lecce, Italy.

"Il desiderio umano e il cammino dell’amore" (“The human desire and the path of love”), (Italian), during the formation Course for the NFP teachers, (10 Oct. 2009) organized by Bottega dell’Orefice, Rome, Italy.

“Il significato del corpo e della sessualità umana alla luce delle catechesi di Giovanni Paolo II” (“The meaning of the human body and sexuality in the light of the Theology of the Body of John Paul II”) (Italian) Interregional Course for the NFP teachers (ECM) (14 May, 2005, Salerno) during the formation course organized by Associazione Progetto Famiglia Genitori, Salerno, Italy.

“The meaning of sexuality in the teaching of John Paul II” (October 2005, Warsaw), (English), during the General Assembly of IEEF (Institut éuropéen pour l'éducation familiale), Warsaw, Poland

“La dimensione sponsale dell’amore umano” (“The spousal dimension of human love”( (Italian) (27 January 2007, Salerno), during the permananent formation Course of the Family Pastoral Workers „Amare l’amore umano“, organized by Ufficio Diocesano di Pastorale Familiare, Diocesi di Salerno-Campagna-Acerno, Italy.


Participation in International Commissions

Invited as a participant in the Symposium on the " Role of Women in the Church organized by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith" (Rome, Pontifical Urban University, 26-28 September 2016)

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