Phase III of reopening/operations of Sacred Heart Major Seminary will be in a manner that protects those who study, work, visit, and live here. To prevent the spread of the coronavirus and to keep people healthy, the seminary has developed the following policies and procedures that will guide seminary operations from August 17 through December 18, 2020. These policies align with the Center for Disease Control (CDC) Interim Guidance for Schools. These guidelines are subject to change if conditions regarding COVID-19 require action and seminary administration will monitor closely any executive orders or recommendations. Please check the Sacred Heart Major Seminary website and SHMS email for the most updated information.
1. Cleaning and disinfecting
a. Frequently touched places, such as door handles, sink handles, elevator buttons, drinking fountains, and shared copier/printers, will be cleaned and disinfected regularly.
b. Stand-alone hand sanitizer stations that have been placed in strategic locations throughout the seminary.
c. Individual offices are encouraged to purchase additional hand sanitizer, disinfecting wipes, and paper masks.
2. Entering and exiting the building
a. All workers, commuter students, and visitors must check in at the main entrance, upon first entry into the building.
b. Signage at the main entrance will instruct workers and visitors to scan a QR code or visit the Spark Safety form website,
easysafetyforms.com/archdiocese-of-detroit to fill out a health screening checklist, on a weekly basis. Paper copies will be available for those without smartphones.
c. Guards will administer daily temperature screenings to workers, commuter students, and visitors at the main entrance, using a contactless digital thermometer. The CDC considers a person to have a fever, when he or she has a measured temperature of 100.4 degrees or more. Persons with a temperature of 100.4 or higher will not be permitted to enter the building.
d. Persons with other COVID-19 symptoms, including cough, difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, loss of smell or taste, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, and diarrhea, will not be permitted to enter the building.
3. Social distancing and protective equipment
a. Face coverings or masks must be worn by all while in hallways and communal areas. Communal areas include but are not limited to classrooms, mailroom, copy room, library, parlors and restrooms.
b. Employees may remove coverings or masks within private offices, with doors closed.
c. All workers, students, and visitors must wear face coverings or masks and maintain six-feet social distancing protocols.
d. Group meetings are permitted, with social distancing and face coverings or masks required.
e. Faculty, staff, and students are asked to pre-arrange meetings/appointments.
4. Residential Life
a. Guidelines for the residents of the seminary (priests and seminarians) are provided in a separate document.
5. Faculty and Classroom
a. Meetings: Faculty are encouraged to conduct their meetings with students via zoom. Face-to-face meetings are allowed in offices, but face coverings or masks must be worn for all face-to-face meetings.
b. Prior to the beginning of the semester, all classrooms will be arranged for proper social distancing. No one is allowed to rearrange any classroom tables or chairs for any reason without the express permission of the dean of studies.
c. Teachers and students will maintain at least six feet distance from each other at all times in the classrooms.
d. Teachers should not walk around the classroom but remain behind plexiglass while the class is in session.
e. More specific guidelines for faculty will be provided by the Dean in a separate document.
6. Building hours and access
a. Building: 8:00am to 10:00pm.
b. Offices: 8:30-4:30. As noted above, students are asked to pre-arrange meetings/appointments with faculty and staff.
c. Refectory: The refectory is restricted to residents and staff.
d. Chapel: the main chapel is restricted to residents.
e. Library: open to all students with social distancing required. Students are encouraged to use both locations of the library (Main and Ward).
f. Classrooms: Students are asked not to congregate in classrooms when there is no class in session.
g. Student Lounge: is closed at this time to all students. Any designated areas for gathering or socializing will be identified and include directives for proper social distancing.
h. Faculty dining room: is restricted to residents during this time period
These guidelines are subject to change if conditions regarding COVID-19 require action and seminary administration will monitor closely any executive orders or recommendations. Please check the Sacred Heart Major Seminary website and SHMS email for the most updated information.