  • Christ as the Center - Jesus Christ is the center of all that we do. Our mission is a share in the mission of the Church, founded on the love of God the Father given to us in Christ through the Holy Spirit. Nourished by the Eucharist, we are a Catholic community of faith and higher learning to serve for the Word of God.
  • Courageous Witnesses to Hope - We form disciples as leaders who are prepared to bring the truth of the Gospel to a secularized world, who are faithful to the teachings of the Catholic Church, and who are equipped to nurture their lifelong relationship with Jesus Christ.
  • Commitment to Truth – We are committed to academic excellence through a curriculum reflecting the riches of the Catholic faith and critical assimilation of the cultural and intellectual traditions of our civilization, through a highly qualified faculty who embrace effective pedagogy and research, and through students who value knowledge and integrate it into their pastoral ministry.
  • Charity - We promote servant leadership, rooted in the gift of friendship with Jesus Christ, who tells us, “If anyone wishes to be first, he shall be the last of all and the servant of all” (Mark 9:35).
  • Unity in Christ – We affirm the dignity of every individual as made in the image of God and rejoice in the gifts that diverse groups within the Catholic Church and the local community bring. We encourage genuine justice and mutual affirmation among all groups. We fashion an environment which effectively supports all members of the seminary community as they work to develop their gifts.
  • Integrity – We are steadfast in our commitment to honesty in our business dealings, prudence in our stewardship of assets, and transparency in representing ourselves to our constituents.
  • Christian Joyfulness– By seeking to share our faith with others, as well as to deepen our own faith, we encourage a positive atmosphere in which the joy of Christ may manifest itself.
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